Kanishk Singh

Runes of Undocumented Code

06 May 2020

Creating AWS Lambda Layers for ELF Binaries

Last week a friend told me about a new app he was writing and it involved use of an application which was quite CPU heavy, and we wondered if we could save CPU costs by offloading that workload to an AWS Lambda function. I had never touched AWS Lambda prior to this, and I had a vague overview of what serverless applications were from a presentation I did for a college course, but I was very bored in lockdown and the prospect seemed fun, so I took it upon myself to make this happen.

TL;DR for serverless paradigm: A Lambda function is basically a stateless execution environment, which is only fired up on demand, so it saves costs of managing, hosting full fledged servers (also called serverful apps). So whenever you need something done, you trigger your function, it takes your input, carries out whatever operation you program it to, returns a response and shuts down until it is triggered again.

This write up contains my learnings and things of note I believe will be useful for people who are new to the serverless world, and also serve as a way to quickly refresh my memory if I work on more serverless stuff in the future.

AWS Lambda Application Structure

The basic way to deploy your app using Lambda is to package the code and the dependencies into a zip file and just upload it directly, either from the AWS Lambda console or upload to an S3 bucket and reference the bucket and file in the Lambda console.

This approach is sufficient if your application is fairly simple, and has very little to no dependencies. But even then, I feel packing your dependencies along with the code has 2 drawbacks

  1. You cannot swap versions of your dependencies without having to re-upload the code too.
  2. To reuse the dependencies in another lambda function, you need to bundle it again with the code for that application.

Luckily for us, in 2018, AWS introduced “Layers” for Lambda. These layers are independent from your code. Your code is mounted in /var/task/ while everything inside your layers is mounted in /opt/.

Lambda layers solve the above two pain points. Every successive update to the layer acts as a different version of the same layer, so if you feel that the newer layer for a dependency is insufficient or broken, you can easily switch to a previous working version. Layers are also not limited to one function, they can be freely referenced in unlimited number of functions.

An impossible task

We’ll build a simple lambda application as an exercise which relies on a linux binary to work. This walk-through can be done on any linux machine or if you’re on Windows 10, you can use WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux). This article has been made using Ubuntu on WSL.

Let’s take rig, it stands for Random Identity Generation, it’s a classic linux utility that when called, prints a fake name, address and zip code.

If you don’t have it pre-installed, you can download rig and zip (we’ll be using it later) by:

$ sudo apt install -y rig zip

Get a fake identity by simply calling rig inside your shell.

$ rig
Daphne Nichols
7 Fairfield Rd
Detroit, MI  48233
(313) xxx-xxxx

The lamda application we’ll be building will simply call this binary and return the text as a response.

Let’s get started. Create a empty directory, and make a lambda_function.py file.

$ mkdir -p lambda-example/src/
$ cd lambda-example/src
$ echo > lambda_function.py
$ cd ..             # Come back to project root

and paste the below code into the file

import subprocess

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    rig_command = "rig"
    random_identity = subprocess.getoutput(rig_command)
    return {
        "identity": random_identity,

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Test function
    print(lambda_handler(None, None))

The parameter event is a python dict object (can also be list/str/int/float or None) and context is a Lambda context object.

Packing rig for lambda

Now the issue is, the Linux image Lambda runs (Amazon Linux) doesn’t come preinstalled with rig, and we cannot simply make a shell call to install the package on every invocation for 2 big reasons:

  1. Expensive time cost, on every invocation we’d be installing this package and then giving the output.
  2. The entire environment is read-only (except for /tmp/) so even if we could do 1, we can’t.

The way it works is quite simple, you put all binaries inside a bin/ directory, and all Shared Object (.so) files inside a lib/ directory, zip them up and upload them as a lambda layer.

Let’s find out where the binary is:

$ which rig

Now we’ll use ldd to list all dependencies (shared objects) it needs to properly function.

$ ldd $(which rig)
        linux-vdso.so.1 (0x00007fffc82f4000)
        libstdc++.so.6 => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6 (0x00007fdd275f0000)
        libgcc_s.so.1 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgcc_s.so.1 (0x00007fdd273d0000)
        libc.so.6 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 (0x00007fdd26fd0000)
        libm.so.6 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libm.so.6 (0x00007fdd26c30000)
        /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 (0x00007fdd27c00000)

Now, you can choose to copy the binary and all these dependencies into bin/ & lib/ respectively, but it’s an endless war and nothing but frustration, and unless you’re into masochism, this is not worth your time.

Here’s a few problems which you’ll encounter even if you manage to put all this together manually (or even write fancy bash scripts if you’re in a good mood):

  1. Dependency-ception

    These dependencies might depend on some other libraries not listed by ldd.

  2. All ELF executables have a hardcoded interpreter path which is used by the kernel to start the program.

Source for the above points

exodus from this mess

I was trying to create layers for my friend’s application using the above mentioned strategy to no avail, encountering cryptic and mysterious errors like:

<some-binary>: /lib64/libz.so.1: version ZLIB_1.2.9 not found (required by /opt/lib/libpng16.so.16)

I have mentioned the issue of “dependency-ception” above, this is exactly that. Looks like my binary’s dependencies require zlib packaged as well.

I asked around and a friend suggested this magical tool called exodus. This was a mind-blown moment for me. This was exactly I had been looking for all along!

Exodus makes everything simple! It takes care of everything! Just run one command and it’ll create a tarball of any ELF binary you wish to port to another system. It was originally made with the aim of allowing any binary from system X run on system Y, Z and so on.

You can install it from pip by:

$ pip3 install --user exodus-bundler

Let’s quickly make a tarball of our rig binary, and extract the contents:

$ exodus --tarball rig | tar -zx

You may see a warning saying…

WARNING: Installing either the musl or diet C libraries will result in more efficient launchers (currently using bash fallbacks instead)

If you have gcc and musl or dietlibc installed, exodus will identify them and try to create smaller, statically linked launchers which are faster, but it defaults to shell scripts if these additional dependencies aren’t present, but they say this may carry significant overheads.

So depending on how much performance you’re trying to get out of your binary, you may choose to install the optional dependencies with exodus.

Moving on, we’ll see a exodus/ directory now. We’ll zip the contents of this directory into rig.zip file.

$ cd exodus/
$ zip -r9 ../rig.zip *
$ cd ..

This will give us a zip file and we can start uploading our code.

TIP: Make sure every file which will be uploaded to lambda has 755 permissions. If it doesn’t, change permissions using below command which changes permissions on all files inside src to 755:

$ chmod -R 755 src/

Preparing for Deployment

AWS SAM (Serverless Application Model) is an application which allows you to easily deploy your functions in a declarative manner. SAM uses configurable YAML file which contains definition of your function, the permissions/policies it will require, events (or triggers) for your function, and any other AWS resource it may require.

You can install SAM through pip, along with AWS-CLI which you need since SAM picks up your AWS keys after you configure it in aws-cli

$ pip3 install --user awscli aws-sam-cli
$ aws configure

Run aws configure next and add your access keys and secret keys. You can learn how to create those keys here. Next select your default region and response format (json).

We’ll use the below SAM template for our project. Save the contents of this gist to template.yaml and save it in your project root.

$ sam deploy --guided

Run the above command from the project root (where you have template.yaml) and follow the instructions. This will create a CloudFormation stack containing the function, permissions, relevant roles, and the layers. You can view it from the Lambda Console and if you wish to delete everything related to the lambda application, you can do so from CloudFormation console.

Go to Lambda > Applications > Select your “rig” application (whatever you named the app during sam deploy). Scroll to the bottom, under resources, select your Function. When the console opens, create a simple test (use the default test template provided) and test the function.

If you find this confusing, follow this small video snippet I made.

Once you run the test, you’ll see this output:

  "identity": "/opt/bin/rig: line 9: /opt/bin/./linker-2d196bc8632e500316fa0e0c3e8f40d0e7da853ae940805080b3492ce03b7b51: No such file or directory"

So it looks like exodus didn’t work. Or maybe we’re doing something wrong. Let’s check.

$ ls -la exodus/bin
total 0
drwxrwxrwx 1 arion arion 4096 May  6 01:24 .
drwxrwxrwx 1 arion arion 4096 May  6 01:24 ..
lrwxrwxrwx 1 arion arion   87 May  6 01:24 rig -> ../bundles/9cf834c649ca952381d55810f61a4594cd8fb8d965b2018b5aa055c4bfc5cd34/usr/bin/rig

so we see that the binary exodus/bin/rig is a symlink (symbolic link) to another file in bundles/. When we zip them, these symlinks are not preserved, hence we get the above error.

Let’s fix this. The --symlinks flag will instruct zip to preserve the symlinks.

$ rm rig.zip        # remove pre-existing zip
$ cd exodus/
$ zip --symlinks -r9 ../rig.zip *
$ cd ..

Let’s deploy it again.

$ sam deploy

On testing once again, we see a new error (cleaned up):

Unable to read file /usr/share/rig/locdata.idx

USAGE: rig [-f | -m ] [ -d datadir ] [ -c num ]
       datadir - Directory where data files can be found.
       If datadir is not specified, /usr/share/rig is used as the
       default directory.
       num - print num identities.
       -f and -m specify gender of generated identities.

It turns out rig utilizes pre-defined data files to generate the random identities. They reside in /usr/share/rig

Exodus allows you to add additional files using the --add flag. So we could do

$ rm rig.zip
$ rm -r exodus/
$ exodus --tarball --add /usr/share/rig rig | tar -zx
$ cd exodus/
$ zip --symlinks -r9 ../rig.zip *
$ cd ..

I tried this, but turns out this additional file is mounted at /opt/bundles/<hash>/usr/share/rig and the PATH of the lambda environment contains these directories:


So the /opt/bundles/<hash>/user/share/rig needs to be added to the path since we can’t write to /usr/share on the lambda environment. Doing PATH shenanigans is something I’d advise against. It’s messy.

Fortunately for us, as evident in the above error and usage message, rig allows us to specify a data file to generate name files from. So we can simply copy /usr/share/rig from our local system into exodus/rig and zip everything up.

$ rm rig.zip 
$ rm -r exodus/
$ exodus --tarball rig | tar -zx
$ cp -r /usr/share/rig exodus/rig
$ cd exodus/
$ zip --symlinks -r9 ../rig.zip *
$ cd ..

Also, change rig_command in src/lambda_function.py to tell rig where to pick up data files from:

rig_command = "rig -d /opt/rig"

Now deploy once again, and sure enough, you’ll see an output like this:

  "identity": "Harriet Martinez\n855 Cimenny Rd\nMiami, FL  33152\n(305) xxx-xxxx"

And that’s it! We’re able to use a binary not originally available inside the lambda environment. We can use the rig layer by specifying its ARN in any other function we want.

You can add a API Gateway trigger to this function so that whenever you send a HTTP request to the endpoint the function will return a random identity.

As for the function I built for my friend, it dealt with file manipulation, so I used an S3 trigger so that whenever a file with a specific extension was uploaded inside a specific folder in the bucket, the function would be triggered and after file manipulation we used boto library available in the AWS Python runtime to upload the final file to a different folder inside the same bucket, and then make an HTTP request to a webhook URL with the bucket name and file key.

I could’ve used a API Gateway trigger and send the entire file as a base64 encoded string but that would incur more charges since an API Gateway request is measured in increments of 512KB so if you send a file greater than 512KB in one request, it’ll count as 2 requests for AWS.

Exodus has a bunch of nice features, I’ve already mentioned --add flag to bundle additional files, but you can also infer runtime dependencies using strace and pipe them to exodus. You can find more about their features in this article

With that said, it also has some limitations. Adding external files didn’t work for me, but, it’s still very new, so you can expect improvements. You can find more about its limitations here.

Lessons learnt

  1. Favor layers for your dependencies rather than bundling them with your code. This allows for more flexibilty for hot-swapping different versions, and also allows you the luxury of create-once-use-multiple-times.
  2. If your binary depends on additional data files which may be present in paths not included under the Lamda execution environment, it’s better to find a way to configure the binary to load data files from some sort of configuration, like a flag (-d in our case).
  3. Symlinks will ruin your life. I wasted a day until it was pointed out to me that I wasn’t preserving the symlinks while zipping the files.
  4. If you’re thinking of creating layers through SAM’s AWS::Serverless::LayerVersion type, remember that when SAM zips the contents, it doesn’t preserve the symlinks, something which is common when dealing with binaries and library code.
  5. When working with stuff where file permissions are critical, do not do it inside a Windows filesystem. I realized that even if inside WSL, if your working directory is under /mnt/c/, any chmod command is useless and file permission changes are not applied. In such cases prefer working from ~ or HOME directory, which is kind of a network folder and it emulates a linux filesystem.
  6. Be smart about the function triggers you choose. Using API gateway (for my friend’s usecase) would’ve been costly and counter-productive since you have to encode on client side, send it and then decode the string inside your function to access the file. An S3 trigger is more efficient and seems more natural.
  7. Don’t trust the AWS Lambda web console. When I defined the S3 trigger event in my SAM template, on deploying the console didn’t show me the S3 bucket attached to the function, so I thought something went wrong, but upon doing a simple test of uploading the file to my bucket, function was triggered and I saw my file in the output folder in the same bucket.

All in all, this project took me about six-seven days to go from zero experience to creating a fully automated deployment strategy. Of course, it wasn’t all me, I had help from friends like Paresh who told me about exodus and pointed out the symlink issue, and Adithya who recommended SAM and also helped me debug my templates. This was a fun excercise!

You can find the code for this repository here. If you have questions or suggestions, feel free to reach out to me on twitter or email.

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